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Permanent Makeup Tattoo Removal,
Microblading Removal in Norwich 

eyebrow removal norwich Li-FT

Eyebrow tattoo removal in Norwich

eyebrow, microblading removal in Norwich

Eyebrow tattoo removal in Norwich

Permanent Makeup Tattoo Removal in Norwich

Non-laser eyebrow tattoo semi permanent makeup removal in Norwich.

Safe and non-laser saline removal in Norwich.

Due to the growing popularity of eyebrow microblading and powder brows in Norwich, there are now a significant number of people taking cheap and basic training classes with the goal to offer a brow tattoo service at cut prices with little to no education on how pigment should really be implanted into the skin.


Because this training is more of a high level overview rather than a thorough training programme, these people lack the knowledge needed to successfully create brows that will stand the test of time.


This means that for you, the client, you may now have been left with a disappointing set of brows that are far less than the expected or desired results.

It could be that your brows are misshapen, or that the pigment looks dark and blue (the pigment has been implanted too deep into the skin), or your brows are very saturated with pigment and/or the pigment you do have is a salmon/reddish colour.


Or perhaps you have some eyeliner that has migrated, or a wing that is lopsided?

Whatever the issue, if you have had a permanent makeup disaster, I can help!


I use 'Li-FT' by Li Pigments; a safe, high content salt and fruit seed extract solution that deems extremely effective in pigment lightening and removal.

Please scroll down below or click here for the step-by-step process of removal.

Please scroll down below or click here for the FAQ section.

eyeliner removal norwich



HEALED after 1 session with Li-FT

Semi permanent eyeliner tattoo removal in Norwich

Emergency Removal in Norwich

In the unfortunate event you have undergone some type of permanent makeup and are unhappy with the results, it IS possible for me to successfully completely remove WITHIN 24-48 hours after the procedure. 

Time is of the essence here, so you would need to come in and see me immediately.

Removal beyond 48hrs from the initial procedure will not be possible as the skin will have fully closed. If this is the case, you will need to wait the full 8 weeks from your initial procedure to heal before I can begin removal on the area.

Due to the strict time window with emergency removal and my immediate availability, this service is charged at £300.

I am available for this service at any time of day or night and have even done an emergency removal at 10:30pm!

The sooner the pigment is removed, the more successful the result. 

emergency eyebrow microbladingr emoval norwich



Emergency eyebrow tattoo removal in Norwich


1 session of saline removal; either brow, lip liner or eyeliner - £100

You will receive £50 off a new replacement like-for-like service of brows, eyeliner or lips when you have 2 or more removal sessions.

Typically, it will take between 2-5 sessions for satisfactory removal.



Emergency FULL BROW Removal within 24-48hrs - £300

Full payment is due upon arrival before the service begins.

Emergency PARTIAL BROW Removal within 24-48hrs - £100

Full payment is due upon arrival before the service begins.

No! Getting rid of, or attempting to lighten your own brows at home is not a good idea or advised. There are some sources out there on the internet that suggest ways you can get rid of, or lighten your unwanted microbladed or tattooed brows (or whatever it is you don't like), but the fact is, is that these methods won't actually remove or really lighten the pigment in your skin.

This is because home DIY methods do not either break down the pigment inside your body like a laser would, nor do they physically draw it out of your body like a professional saline solution would.

Scrubbing your brows is a definite no because not only will you not pull or draw out any pigment from the skin, but you will end up badly damaging the skin causing it to break open and bleed, leaving room for infections, and worse of all; scarring! Once pigment is in the skin, you cant just 'pull' it out again by washing the area.

The professional Li-FT saline solution I use, scientifically pulls the pigment out of the skin by osmosis. You cannot achieve anywhere near this effect by using 'at home' methods as it's just not possible. All you end up doing is scrubbing an area that has already been traumatised by the original treatment, and making things worse.

If you have just had any form or permanent makeup done and you are unhappy with the results, I can pretty much successfully remove it (or parts of it if preferred) if it is done so within 48hrs of the original procedure (see details of emergency removal above).

process of removal
The Process of Saline Tattoo Removal

What happens when you arrive at your removal appointment:

I like to be completely honest with my clients as although removal is not the prettiest of procedures, it's often the best route to go down in getting rid of or lightening your current work you are unhappy with.

Each session will need 8 weeks of healing in between. This is non-negotiable and no time can be shaved off the 8 weeks whatsoever as the integrity of the skin is most important here. Attempting removal earlier than 8 weeks can cause a lot more trauma to the skin as it will not be fully healed and this will result in scarring.

1. Once you arrive at my clinic and have filled out all forms, I will inject the brows/area with injectable lidocaine to ensure you are fully comfortable and numb for the process.

2. I make up to 4 passes on each area, depending on the level of pigment saturation in the skin and how I feel your skin is looking. I never do more than I need to as I want to make sure your skin stays as healthy as possible.

I continuously inject lidocaine throughout the service to make sure you are as comfortable as possible.

3. After I have made all my necessary passes, I then apply a good generous coating of the Li-FT solution to the area to soak in for 10 mins. You will feel a slight stinging when this happens, but it is perfectly normal and subsides after a moment or two.

4. Once that is complete, I wipe the area and give you a gift bag with very detailed instructions on how to look after your brows/eyes/lips during the healing process. You will be supplied with a full aftercare kit.

Once my job is complete, the healing process is now the most important part, so please make sure you follow the instructions to a 'T' as this is imperative to achieving good results with the process.

Lastly, please be patient! Removal is a process and I do not have a magic wand. It may take 1 session, or 2 or 3 or 4 sessions to get to a place where we are happy, but if you trust the process, I promise you it will work and we will soon have you sporting a brand new set of brows, eyes or lips soon enough!

Frequently Asked Questions


I use a product called Li-FT to remove unwanted tattoos and permanent makeup. It is a natural salt solution made from high grade finely ground sea salt, aloe and lightening fruit seed extracts. The solution is implanted into the skin, and the solution pulls the pigment out of the skin by osmosis.

Osmosis is a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semi-permeable membrane (the skin) from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane. Basically, it draws the unwanted pigment to the top of the skin and out the body.


Both saline and laser are good methods of removal and both will work. They can actually work well in combination with each other!

Saline draws the unwanted pigment to the top of the skin and out the body via the scabbing process.

Lasers work by breaking the pigment/ink into smaller pieces pushing it back into the body and this is then removed by the lymph and waste system.

Laser removal can be very successful, however it does tend to only work well on certain colours - dark colours. Lasers work better on removing larger body tattoos.

Saline is 'colour blind' so it doesn't matter what colour your permanent makeup has shifted to, Li-FT can still remove it over laser which will not.

I do find saline removal a little better than laser removal however - even though a laser removal session is much quicker than a saline removal session, but because saline is being removed 'manually' with a tattoo machine, I can target your brow tattoo better and concentrate on areas that look to be much more highly saturated which aims for a better over all result and less removal sessions in total.


On average most eyebrow and eyeliner removals will require 3 – 5 sessions with each session being 8-10 weeks apart.

Exactly how many sessions you will need is impossible to know or predict as it depends on certain factors such as skin type, location, colour, amount of ink, depth, scarring or tissue change and layering.

If we are removing or lightening eyebrows or eyeliner, then you will 'most likely' on average be looking at 2/3 sessions for the result to be light enough for me to cover up with new work.

You will receive £50 off a new set of brows or eyeliner if you have 2 sessions or more of removal.

Please note: it will be at my discretion as to how many sessions will be needed before any cover up work can safely begin.


I use injectable lidocaine throughout the process to aim for an almost 'pain-free' experience where possible. You still may be a little uncomfortable, but for a removal process, this is the best we can offer.

At the end of the treatment the saline solution is soaked onto the treated area for a few minutes. This can sting, but subsides quickly. 

You will be given an aftercare pack with full instructions, to take home with you.


Most people will see a difference after each session. You won't see an 'immediate' effect straight after the procedure, but you will once the scabbing has gone and the skin starts to heal. In every session the ink is pulled further out of the skin. This can happen at different rates depending on many factors, but it will happen. Patience is the key to removal.


- When you arrive, I will begin by injecting each brow thoroughly with injectable lidocaine.

- Working on one brow/side/area at a time, I will then make one pass through the area to be treated, with the Li-FT solution.

- I continuously inject the area with lidocaine to ensure you are as comfortable as possible.

- I will then move onto the other brow/side/area and make my first pass there.

- I then repeat the process making 2 more passes (3/4 passes in total) on the area(s) to be removed or lightened.

- After the 3/4 passes, the saline solution will be generously applied to the affected area for 10 mins. This is then gently wiped off.


You will be given an aftercare pack to take away with FULL instructions on how to look after and care for the tattoo we have removed, in the coming weeks.

Before you leave, I will schedule you in for a follow up appointment and potential second session for 8 weeks later. Regardless of whether we do a second session, I must see you 8 weeks later to assess and see how the skin has healed. 

At this point, we will either proceed with a second removal/lightened session, or go ahead and give you a new set of brows or eyeliner.


I won't lie, the procedure is not the prettiest, but the results are well worth the wait and going through the removal/lightning process to achieve a much better canvas to work over.

Putting more and more pigment into the skin will ultimately end up in an even bigger mess - to the point where removal/lightning can become a very difficult and a very lengthy and expensive process.

The area may look a little red and possibly bruised (mainly the eye area) for a few days. The area will start to scab and this will last for around a week or so.

Li-FT removal norwich

The pictures below show the process immediately after the procedure and the week following so you can see the realistic healing process.

eyebrow removal norwich
eyebrow tattoo removal norwich
saline eyebrow tattoo removal norwich
saline tattoo removal norwich
semi permanent makeup removal norwich
tattoo removal norwich

If you still have any questions of queries about this process, or are unsure whether removal/lightning is suitable for you, then please do not hesitate to contact me here.

I will ask you to send me a nice clear photo of your area to be removed as then I will be able to advise you best.

Removal FAQ
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